30 Day Mental, Spiritual, & Physical Detox Accountability

30 Day Mental, Spiritual, & Physical Detox Accountability

30 Day Mental, Spiritual, & Physical Detox Accountability

What to expect:

*A step-by-step 7 Detox plan that will cleanse your blood & help release toxins to regenerate healthy cells and create healthy organs with proper nutrition.

*Personalized food plan that caters to your specific health needs

*Informational tips that will help balance your hormones and ease PMS, PCOS, HYPER & HYPOTHYROIDISM, FIBROIDS, ENDOMETRIOSIS & OTHER FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYMPTOMS.

*Informational tips & exercises on how to move the lymph system which is the system responsible for circulating fluids that fights infections in our body.

*Accountability challenges with likeminded individuals that will help you reach your goal

*Weekly 30min-1 on 1 Mental & Wellness consultation with I the coach to check your progress.

Monthly Supply of

*32oz Elderberry Syrup

*32oz Turmeric & Ginger Tonic

*30 Day supply of Sea Moss Gel or Capsules

Send a Message

If you have any inquiries regarding any of my products, simply write me a message here and we will discuss it together.

Contact Me

Office location

Bessemer, Alabama

Give us a call

(205) 774-4038

Send us an email

[email protected]
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